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Dearest Lora,

From the very beginning, you have had the gift of being able to bring out the truth and soul within me. You've been a safe haven, you've given me the inspiration and freedom to create, and most meaningfully- you've seen me. Thank you. You are a true gift, and I am blessed to have happened upon you in my life. 

~Jessika Van, actress

Creative Artists Agency

You always made me want to tell the truth. It's what I hold on to and everything I strive for.

~Kristen Rakes, actress
The O' Agency

I learned more in 3 classes with Lora than all of my other training combined.

~Nathan Brimmer, actor
Sanford Street Productions

Lora gave me my voice. She nurtured my skill set and honed it until it became my own authentic and compelling performance. Every audition I had I'd hire her to coach me. After the SECOND session, JoEdna, a prominent casting agent, told me to wait after the audition. She'd had me wait to tell me "Tait...your acting has REALLY gotten good. You're not just a stuntman anymore. You're a fine actor." I about fell over.

Anytime I'm able to work with Lora, I do. Now I've worked with a few coaches in LA as well, but none that I've gotten the improvements, confidence and tools that Lora has given me. I'm forever grateful to her and each time I get a job I always thank her in my head, and sometimes have to call her to express my gratitude.

She gives.

She gives of herself and of her experience and through that I've discovered MY voice. My freedom. She does what we all are supposed to do; help each other reach our true selves...reach our dreams.

~Tait Fletcher, actor and stuntman
Mitchell & Associates


Lora, I wanted to thank you for all of the knowledge you gave me in class, cause these days its paying back 10 fold. Since booking my first part with Jo Edna, I’ve been getting more and more serious auditions everywhere, and I owe my confidence and success to you. Your class was a turning point in my career, and a strong step toward my goals of professionalism. I appreciate every moment you took to be real with me and to call me out on my b.s. (cause we all have some, right?)

~Matthew Puett, actor
Mitchell & Associates


Hi Lora, I wanted to share with you some wonderful news! I recently received a call from my agent telling me that one of the local casting directors who I had read for within the previous week had called her to say that my performances have improved dramatically within the past several months, and that she now considers me "among the top tier of actors in New Mexico." I think that as a working actress, you bring great perspective to your teaching, and that you are truly gifted as a teacher who has a great eye for seeing what your students need, and are able to communicate that in a very positive and encouraging setting. Thank you so very much for giving back to this community, and for helping me achieve my goals as an actor and a professional in this very difficult business. Play safe, Keith.

~Keith Meriweather, actor and stuntman
The O’ Agency



Lora's acting class is a wonderful opportunity for growth that will challenge actors at every level. I have seen actors change completely into talented, believable performers during the course of Lora's class.

~Hannah MacPherson, director

Creative Artists Agency

Your class has truly changed my life. Thank you for everything.

~Levi Dylan Martinez, actor
The O’ Agency


Lora Cunningham is one of the top actors in New Mexico. I love casting her because I know she will always deliver on set. She is also a great coach. I highly recommend her classes.

~Jo Edna Boldin, CSA, Casting Director/Owner
505 Studio Works


Lora really communicates with actors what it takes to be believable. She's honest, encouraging and a true professional.

~Marie Kohl, Casting Associate
505 Studio Works


"I have felt infinitely more prepared for film and television auditions as a result of Lora's classes. I plan to continue studying with her as long as she is teaching, and I recommend her without reservation to anyone who is really serious about the business and craft of acting for the camera."

~Morse Bicknell, actor
The O’ Agency

I was skeptical as to what else I could really learn after taking 4 years of acting classes at UNM. However, through taking your course I found exactly what was missing in all of my education.

~Monique Candelaria, actress
Presley Talent 


It is amazing to me how much I learn with every class and how inspired I feel when I leave every week. It is important that you be reminded of what an inspiration you are and how much you bring to class and to the entire film industry. Your presence exudes such a positive and inspirational energy that is wonderful to be around.

~Elyse Ferguson, actress


This is the best acting class I have ever seen in New Mexico.

~Kathy Brink, CSA, Casting Director,
Kathy Brink Casting

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